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YEAR: 2024




INSTRUMENTATION: 2.2(II=cor A).2.2 - - timp - strings



NOTES:  This work has its origins in the countryside around the villages of Llanarmon-yn-Iâl and Eryrys, Denbighshire, in the Clwydian limestone hills and the valley of the River Alyn. The closing section quotes an ancient Welsh lullaby, Peis Dinogad.

Peis Dinogad

Peis Dinogad e vreith vreith, 
o grwyn balaot ban wreith.
'Chwit chwit!' chwidogeith.
Gochanwn gochenyn wythgeith, 
pan elei dy dat ty e helya;
llath ar y ysgwyd, llory eny law.
ef gelwi gwn gogyhwc, 
'Giff gaff! Dhaly dhaly! Dhwg dhwg!' 
Ef lledi bysc yng corwc, 
mal ban llad llew llywywg.
Pan elei dy dat ty e vynyd, 
dydygai ef penn ywrch, penn gwythwch, pen hyd, 
penn grugyar vreith o venyd, 
penn pysc o rayadyr derwennyd; 
or sawl yt gyrhaedei dy dat ty ae gicwein
o wythwch a llewyn a llwyuein, 
nyt anghei oll ny uei oradein. 

Dinogad's smock

Dinogad's smock was spotted and speckled, 
from the skin of the pine marten it was made.
'Whee whee!' he whistled.
I would sing - eight slaves sang, 
when your father went hunting;
a javelin on his shoulder, a club in his hand.
He called on the fast dogs, 
'Giff Gaff! Catch catch! Fetch fetch!'
The fish he slays from his coracle, 
as a lion kills small animals.
When your father went to the mountain, 
he would bring back a roe, a wild boar, a stag, 
a spotted grouse from the mountain, 
a fish from the Derwent waterfall; 
whatever your father reached with his lance
from wild boar and lynx and fox, 
nothing escape unless they had mighty wings. 

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